Friday, February 13, 2009


Spirit Succubus

Body shakes violently at the thoughts
The pressure of the slight thudding pulses
Entity of demon - monster
Thou consuming and skin against mine is burning fire
Body can only remember, to contain the pain& tinge
Pleasure of being taken into the depths of blazing seas
Swallowing the salty fluids wiping in condensation
Eyes can only stare
Watching every movement, to see if the feeling of ecstasy
Will betray fleeting resistance
Oh Incubus, so soon I become one of the creatures - the species
Wrought with psychotic rages of this nature
Equaling the end of this human life that takes away
Another mind in sexual encounters between the natural ivy
Green beds between the sun and shadow moon encases our souls

Cold Body's Withdrawal

The petal's position calls
They cannot even feel the pounding rain
He said, "Because the feeling numbed anyways."
It's cold and the walls, the shelter
Cannot protect the soul that's inside
An egg falling, collapsing
To the cracking scars wanting more
To break, to unseal, to become
A newborn, to be born dead
Was your name to begin with; a unique aspiring persona
It never made sense
Spreading blue then red
Travelings out of those deep dark

Sordid Rapist : Selfish Fuckers

To hide under the skin, the breasts, the pits, the stomach
And the lungs
You leech, the leech
You insert yourself
Inside, under crawling and infecting me
Pierce the flesh and feel the pain of a thousand souls
To delete the important memories
Will curse you with the stab
Of the red bloody crunch of your bones
It is mine and not yours
Die in something that was never you
You were the curse of the corrupt
My hate and satiation of your death
You reach, but nothing was ever there
You are only unselfish
In the generosity of unwanted torture
You sordid rapist
The fucking fucker, you
When asking for that material, that physical
Yet was selfish in every second
They were crying for yourself to die
To endure that pain that was never even inflicted on you
Until the hell that consumes, fire engulf
Engulf him. Engulf the male.
The man who stole, steals, and takes.. EVERYTHING.
In the eyes of my thirst for your demise
Its an acid of cold consumption on the lips
Deteriorate, deteriorate, deteriorate
Kill the liquid, the touch, and the lust
Of everything that once existed
In all of the lives
That should never have even taken a breath..
Where we can be free of the impure and the pure

Internal Variante

My eyes catch the form, the face of one I've seen before
Oh yes, you are the one
A person from the time when who I had spoken with
Now you are gone
In another time, another world, and another life
I cannot speak with you, for you are someone else
Merely an immense shadow growing inside my mind
Attaching the faces of souls
With the killing strength of a chimera
All I can do is hold myself back
Watching with eyes of a hawk, like a god in a seat of defective feelings
Controlling slowly then turned upon with strings of a puppeteer
My puppets are merely connected to my soul,
Then entirely controlling me, by strings of internal emotions
The organs, pumping, living, feeding..

Deadly Vanilla

It belongs to us
Tonight we swallow our beliefs and the undenying love
Cold vanilla released, ingredients of screaming macabre dreams
Yet you don't seem to understand
Burst to blame this constant bland
Broken hymen, if I'm a target
shoot me while you can!

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